Webex VDI available for download

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Deployment guide for Webex App for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) - Cisco

  Requests for new functionality or feature improvements. Supported Windows thin clients. We recommend that you make a backup of your registry before using these steps. Environment types Persistent mode —In a persistent environment, a user's local operating system changes are preserved after a user signs out. Users do not need to install any workarounds and performance impact is tolerable. Skip to content Skip to search Skip to footer.  

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You can add a resolution by clicking in the Camera area and selecting the desired resolution. Allow default resolutions for cameras with hardware resolution. You can add a resolution by clicking in the Hardware Accelerated Camera area and selecting the desired resolution.

Please learn more about our cookie policy: Privacy Statement. OK Don't track me. Download page Cisco. Current page. VMware Horizon client version 8. SP Because of this third-party integration, you must contact IGEL for technical support. See the software download page to get a copy of the OS installation package.

Because of this third-party integration, you must contact Dell for technical support. For more information, see the Dell Wyse ThinOS documentation for your supported release; the "Supported packages" section of their release notes mentions the version of the Webex VDI plugin that's supported. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact 10ZiG for technical support.

For more information, see the 10ZiG page for your specific thin client. Because of this third-party integration, you must contact Stratodesk for technical support. The minimum hardware requirements for thin clients are as follows:.

Memory: 2GB of memory, with at least 1GB free for operating system use. Storage: 2GB or more of internal storage for installation. If the graphics card is not recognized, limited-performance VESA mode can be used. Networking: A recognized wired or wireless network adapter.

USB: HP recommends 2. The following system properties enable using basic eLux RP 6 features. Intel Core 2 Duo or later processors on any of the following Apple hardware:. Monterey While we support backwards compatibility, as outlined in the release notes , we recommend that you use the latest versions of the install builds wherever possible. VDI users typically do not have admin control over their machine and the plugin does not require admin privileges.

However, if your users require Outlook integration, you must register the office integration. See Details about headset support for more information. To integrate a supported calling service and Webex Meetings, you must follow configuration steps in the documentation for those solutions.

Choose an option and then use the documentation that is linked in that section. The document contains an overview of the service, prerequisites, and deployment steps. To support this feature, make sure you've configured your Unified CM calling deployment correctly. Additionally, make sure the following VDI configuration is in place so that offloading to meetings is supported: Full-featured meetings requirements.

Dual NIC deployments are supported. Control Hub is where you provision and configure settings, features, devices, and users in your Webex Calling enabled organization. Make sure your environment supports Webex Calling by following the prerequisites and port reference material before you start specific configuration steps in Control Hub.

You can use the following information, in the order presented, to get your organization up and running with Webex Calling :. Prepare Your Environment for Webex Calling. Port Reference for Webex Calling. Configure Webex Calling for Your Organization. Configure Webex Calling Features.

Configure and Manage Webex Calling Users. Configure and Manage Webex Calling Devices. Adoption Trends and Usage Reports. We recommend that you enable automatic upgrades for the plugins. To enable automatic upgrades for the VDI plugin, you must edit a Windows registry key on the virtual desktop:. If you choose this option, you must manually upgrade the plugins to maintain version compatibility with the app. Automatic upgrade of the plugins is only available with Webex App Automatic upgrade of the plugin is supported on Windows and MacOS thin clients.

The plugin does not automatically upgrade on Linux thin clients. The plugin can only upgrade automatically if the Webex App on the virtual desktop also upgrades automatically. Users are prompted to upgrade the plugin after the Webex App has upgraded on the virtual desktop.

We recommend that you keep the plugin and the virtual desktop Webex App on the latest version. There is some backwards compatibility if you can't upgrade them together. See "Version support" in the Release notes for more information. Keep this information in mind as you manage upgrades or changes to your Citrix or VMware connection brokers. Be sure to use the supported versions that are listed in the Prepare Your Environment chapter.

You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connection broker first.

If you see an upgrade notice in the Citrix environment, performing this upgrade does not affect the Webex App VDI plugin on a Windows or Mac thin client. If you see an upgrade notice in the Citrix environment, you must reinstall the Webex App VDI plugin on a Linux thin client after upgrading your Citrix environment. You and your users see a warning in the VDI plugin installation steps that reminds you to install the connector broker first.

After this configuration, Webex App runs on the non-optimized solution. Rename TSDetectionLib. You must either rename the file back to TSDetectionLib. By modifying the registry, you can enable or disable specific Webex App features such as high definition HD and screen sharing.

Doing so can save resources on the server in the data center. You can also decide whether users can do full or HVD window only screen share. If your users are on systems that are capable of more advanced video features, you can enable the features as needed.

You can modify the registry keys before or after the VDI plugin is installed. Changes to the Windows registry should be done with extreme caution. We recommend that you make a backup of your registry before using these steps. Make sure your users' thin client devices meet the system requirements for virtual backgrounds.

In Windows search or the Run window, type regedit and then press Enter. In fallback mode, datacenter load increases, so to prevent overload, media is not used.



Cisco webex for vdi -


Using a thin client device, such as a lightweight PC or laptop, users access Webex App from a remote virtual desktop Citrix or VMware environment. For calls, the media goes directly between users and avoids traversing the data center; for meetings, media goes between the Webex cloud and the user thin clients without another client in the middle.

With VDI, instead of a traditional desktop, you have a thin client and a hosted virtual desktop. A thin client is a typically less costly and less powerful device than a desktop computer. Your organization may even use older, less powerful PCs as thin clients. Your hosted virtual desktop resides in a central server location called a data center. Your hosted virtual desktop includes your. Using your thin client, you access your hosted virtual desktop over a secure Citrix or VMware connection. Webex App works with VDI.

However, sending the additional data that audio and video calls require, through the hosted virtual desktops, causes communications delays.

This limitation is called the "hairpin" effect. However, the full Webex App experience also includes calling and meetings, which require video and audio media processing. Because of a limitation known as the hairpin effect , calling, meeting, and accompanying video capability are not supported without optimization. The additional bandwidth required for calls and video creates a bottleneck at the data center because the media flows from one user to the data center back to another user.

As a result of this unoptimized media path and the lack of easy access to peripherals such as device speakers, microphone, and camera, the user experience is not ideal. To fix the issue of the hairpin effect, the Webex App VDI plugin extends the Cisco collaboration experience to virtual deployments so that users can use the full messaging, meeting, and calling functionality that the Webex App provides. To reduce latency and to enhance media quality, the VDI plugin optimizes the media workflows by streaming media directly between users on thin client endpoints and leverages the hardware of the thin client machines to handle media processing.

This media path does not go through the hosted virtual desktops HVDs. The result is a stable and full-featured calling and meeting experience for your VDI users. In this architecture, the Webex App is installed on the HVD in your VDI environment and required VDI plugins are installed on the user's thin client typically a lightweight system, like a repurposed laptop or desktop.

With supported versions of Webex App, users can use all of the built-in messaging, meetings, and calling on Webex App functionality on their thin client. When new platforms are added for a specific release, they are included in the notes under the Release tab for that specific release. You can find the complete list of platforms in the deployment guide, as linked below.

Supported hosted virtual desktops. Supported Windows thin clients. Supported Linux thin clients. Supported MacOS thin clients. Hardware acceleration and background noise reduction for Windows and Mac thin client. Virtual backgrounds for Windows and Mac thin clients, provided the devices meet the minimum system requirements the same as the Windows standalone app.

If you're using Webex App VDI in fallback mode or standalone mode, some peripheral devices may not work. Because the device mapping is handled by Citrix or VMware, you must contact them for further troubleshooting. Fallback mode supports standard calls and call recording. The full feature set isn't supported.

Call quality is lower because of the server or network issues that cause the switch to fallback mode. Compatible VDI plugin versions installed on user thin clients. When a release of Webex App is working with an earlier VDI plugin, the solution is running in backward compatibility mode.

In this mode, Webex App VDI also cannot ensure the video quality because some advanced features are still under continuous development and improvement.

See the following list of supported features for backward compatibility mode:. Because of this difference in release schedule, the VDI version of the app does not include features that are released for the standalone version in the odd month. When the VDI version is released in the even month, it catches up on any missed features from the previous month.

Due to a mandatory update to our services, you won't be able to sign in using the following versions of Webex App installed on the Windows-based HVD from the following date:. You must uninstall the app manually in the Windows Control Panel and optionally you can clear the cache. See the following sections for each release for a list of new features specific to VDI and limitations for that specific release.

The following features are implemented and verified in VDI environment. The maximum size of animated virtual background files under VDI is 50 MB, which is different from the native Windows size. The Citrix Workspace App for Linux connection bar overlaps the remote video or share screen.

Webex App does not upgrade itself with every monthly release. It automatically upgrades when a new virtual desktop version becomes available every second month. You can configure the plugins to automatically upgrade, by setting a registry key on the virtual desktop.

This feature helps you to keep the plugins synchronized with the Webex App version. Call history is now in the roaming profile, which means that a Webex VDI user's call history can be independently preserved across different hosts, or non-persistent sessions.

User is only warned if the plugin is incompatible with the Webex App on the virtual desktop. Previously, a user could see the warning even if the plugin was compatible with the Webex App.

New Share button to help users change sharing source. Before the meeting, the user gets a warning about microphone permissions in case they prevented apps from accessing the microphone. During meeting on Windows version of Webex App, users can receive warnings about microphone or speaker errors.

Users get a voice prompt to press 1 to join, when getting a call back to connect to meeting audio. For newly supported features, see the December release information in What's new for Webex App. Automatically Optimize Shared Content Linux thin client is not supported. Scrollbar is not supported even it is visible while sharing contents are zoomed in. For newly supported features, see the October release information in What's New for Webex. For newly supported features, see the August release information in What's New for Webex.

From this release onward, the release frequency will change to every two months. We will also support the latest release and the previous three releases N-3 —see the Version Support section for more information.

This release is rebranded for the New Webex Suite. For more information, see the New Webex Suite and Branding announcement. Blur and virtual backgrounds Windows —Blurring your background makes your surroundings appear out of focus so people can't see what's going on behind you. Or maybe you just want to make it look like you're on a beach soaking up the sun. You can replace your surroundings with one of the preset backgrounds or an image of your own.

Call recording —Your administrator determines how much control you have over recording your calls. Depending on your setup, your incoming and outgoing calls may be recorded automatically or you may be able to decide which calls you want to record. When a call is being recorded, that recording continues whether you move the call to another device, merge the call with another active call, or make a conference call.

You're presented with a visual indicator letting you know when a call is being recorded. Move a call into a meeting —When you're in a call with someone who's internal or external to your organization, you can take advantage of advanced meetings features such as transcriptions, real-time translations, notes, action items, recordings, and whiteboarding.

Just move that call into a full-featured meeting. Before moving the call into a meeting, you can even invite other people into the discussion. Troubleshooting just got easier —You can now access detailed diagnostic information such as memory and CPU usage, configuration information about meetings, calling, and devices, as well as call statistics.

You can share that information with your administrator so they can help resolve any issues you may be experiencing. Preview of shared content —When you share content, you now see a preview of the content.

We also enhanced the Share content screen, making it easier for you to find the content that you want to share. Or you can choose to optimize for text and images or motion and video. Notify users when VDI plugin is not installed or a version mismatch is detected. VMWare Horizon client version 8. We now use the same version scheme as Webex Meetings. To avoid issues, please uninstall any previous 3. Music Mode Windows thin client. Call Recording. Executive Assistant Boss-Admin. Semi-consultative transfer.

Known defects, or bugs, have a severity level that indicates the priority of the defect. These release notes include the following bug types:. Reasonably common circumstances cause the entire system to fail, or a major subsystem to stop working, or other devices on the network to be disrupted. No workarounds exist. Important functions are unusable and workarounds do not exist. Other functions and the rest of the network is operating normally.

Failures occur in unusual circumstances, or minor features do not work at all, or other failures occur but low-impact workarounds exist. Failures occur under very unusual circumstances, but operation essentially recovers without intervention.

Users do not need to install any workarounds and performance impact is tolerable. To look for information about a specific problem, enter the bug ID number in the Search for field, then press Enter.


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