- Teams installation on vdi - teams installation on vdi
- Teams installation on vdi - teams installation on vdi Looking for: - Teams installation on vdi - teams installation on vdi Click here to DOWNLOAD Microsoft Teams: Cannot Install For All Users When A VDI Environment Is Not Detected | VCloudInfo.Teams for Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Docs If thin-clients are used as end devices, the updates can be further delayed as the vendor agents are typically included as part of the thin-client OS. This means operations must validate and deploy new OS versions of thin clients as well as testing in VDI. In order to find out a bit more about the. Problem is it works on physical desktops in our domain but not VDI. It's not version thing cause I have tried them all. Instead, admins must uninstall the current Teams MSI and install the newer version to update the. Microsoft has done an amazing job of detailing how the Microsoft Teams VDI client is installed to the workstations....